A normal day. A person stands in the market square watching the world go by. What happens next verges on the ridiculous. There's ice cream. Sunshine. Shops. Some dogs. A wedding. Bombs. Candles. Blood. Lightning. Sandwiches. Snipers. Looting. Gunshots. Babies. Actors. Azaleas. Famine. Fountains. Statues. Atrocities. And tanks. (Probably). Rory Mullarkey's new play asks whether things really are getting worse. And if we care.
Suitable for ages 10 and up (PG)
IO Performance is a performance group necessitated out of a need to make bold, dangerous and innovative theatre & performance that interrogates the medium, challenging audiences and artists alike.
Based out of Launceston, Tasmania we at IO live by the maxim 'you can only get out, what you put in.’
This is never truer than supporting emerging creatives of all kinds. We cannot grow a local performing arts sector if we don’t support the brilliant local artists that surround us.
So, in a climate where it is growing ever harder to gain support from funding sources we decided to offer what support we could to emerging bold performance makers.
We love to work with emerging designers, directors, actors, technicians, composers and writers.